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When we hear the term “service” many people think of the full traditional funeral with a casket in a church followed by a graveside service.

Because of this, some people wish for no service at all. How we celebrate the life of a loved one that has died has evolved greatly and there are many beautiful possibilities and options, from simple to elaborate, from modern to traditional.

Gathering, Celebration of Life, Funeral Service, Memorial Service are the terms commonly used for an event honouring the life and death of a loved one. These events can be private for close family members and friends, or public and open to all. They can be as unique and personal as suits your loved one.

When we take part in gathering, together we are celebrating that individual’s life they lived between the day they were born and the day they died. We are provided a place to connect with others that will be feeling this loss, a place to share our stories and memories of this special person, a place that offers permission to laugh and to cry, to feel awkward, to pay our respects to those closest to the deceased. It is a time that offers support, connection, “closure” and healing.

We can help you and your family create a meaningful gathering that feels right.

Where to find us


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